making a christmas sub..its short(hoping to make it longer) with X-Saber on my back and jaketheclonetrooper too. but i think he's quite busy in studying.and i'm making this sub a comedy for a change. that's it and hope i hope that this icon tut they made will help with my icon making stuff. i'm stuck with one icon until i get to fix my problems in making that's all until december..that's when i make the new year sub..but gotta be hasty! im speeding up so the next subs will have a longer runtime.(i wonder why nobody reviewed on my holloween sub...)
wait a sec... isnt this thing supposed to be for filipino people like me to help our asses out? what are you doing here chatting at your projects?(but if you ARE filipinoes. why not speak the language that WE do?)
Because the BBS rules say that you should only SPEAK ENGLISH. We created a Filipino Club Before and we spoke tagalog so the MODS locked it